27 noiembrie 2010

Toamna totul incepe...

...sa cada. Gutuile, frunzele, ploaia,... amintirile.

Cam atat am avut de spus. Imi pare rau sa ii dezamagesc pe cei care se asteptau la formule si demonstratii ale teoriei relativitatii autumnale.
I am no Einstein after all.

Autumn makes me remember...

the words that were never spoken
the dreams that were never broken
the needs that were never met
the plans that were never set
the fire that was never lit
the pieces that were never fit
the things that were never done
the battles that were never won
the hopes that were never lost
the paths that were never crossed
the lessons that were never learned
the feelings that were never earned
the gifts that were never received
the expectations that were never deceived
the apologies that were never rendered
the doors that were never opened
the secrets that were never revealed
the memories that were never conceived
the hurts that were never intended
the beginnings and endings that were never prevented